The tomatoes are BEAUTIFUL as is the fresh fruit. I gotta admit, California produce is pretty spectacular. Sarah's friend, Hol, is supposed to pick us up from breakfast, but when Sarah calls to see if he's close, we find out he hasn't even left yet. We decide to find a Wells Fargo (for me) and do a little bit of exploring around the Mission.
It's a really cool area and we find a couple of old, run down theaters that look like they could be fabulously converted back to their old glory. If only someone would come along and give us money to fix them up...
Finally Hol finds us and we head to Muir Woods for some light hiking. The drive is beautiful and very exciting because we get to drive across the Golden Gate Bridge!
Sidenote: be prepared for a million photos of the bridge in a later post.
So we arrive at Muir Woods: an official state park with a few really nice paths laid out through the redwoods.
I particularly liked this tree. He seemed to have a very wise face:
It is beautiful in the woods and oddly quiet; there aren't even birds chirping. In fact, there are signs that say something along the lines of 'please be quiet so you don't disturb the birds.' We do come across a deer at one point, which is very exciting. Also, Sarah decides to climb into a fallen tree only to exclaim "holy crap there's a person in here already. holy crap, there are TWO people in here already."
I took an awkward photo just for memory's sake. Can you see the other person's feet?
We loop back to the entrance, hop in the car and head to...NAPA!
We pass through Sonoma, which is exciting in itself. Along the way I get really excited because I recognize all sorts of names that I know. Sonoma-Cutrer is a wine we sell at the restaurant I work in, as is Cakebread, Gloria Ferrer & Cline. We end up passing through the city of Napa and go a little north to what is technically St. Helena to the V. Sattui Winery. What made us head to V. Sattui? They. Have. Food! Sarah was in San Francisco a year ago and she and her sister stopped her to eat. Coincidentally enough, when my family visited Napa about 10 (wild guess) years ago, we ALSO stopped and ate at V. Sattui.
We sidle up to the tasting bar, cough up $5 for a tasting and settle in with our lovely wine expert, Tracy, who took this photo.
We're supposed to get only five tastes, but Tracy just keeps pouring us stuff. While I'm happy about the free wine, none of them really inspire me to purchase any. I was hoping to find gifts for everyone back home, but I'm pretty disappointed with the selection. Sarah buys a riesling for us to drink with lunch (which I cannot complain about) and we buy a smorgasbord of delicious treats from their deli. Pesto penne, truffle oil macaroni & cheese, ravioli, gnocchi, stuffed portabello; all were so amazing that I am actually salivating now.
We sit in a lovely area within view of the vineyard under some marvelous shade trees. The only word I can think to describe this: glorious.
After our picnic we do a bit of exploring around the winery. It is every bit as beautiful as the picnic area.
But the day is running short. We head home and by the time we reach Rachel's place she is already asleep (another early day for her tomorrow). Plus, after all that hiking, drinking and eating, Sarah and I are completely exhausted. To bed we go so we can rest up for all that's in store for us tomorrow.
You forgot the broccoli salad thing which just thinking about makes me salivate a little. Oh gawd and that mac and cheese.mmmm